Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Post Thanksgiving Day Thoughts

28 November 2009

Yesterday the games store in our shopping complex was open bright and early to take advantage of “Black Friday” They had all of their Christmas decorations up and even had a few door-buster specials to lure in their customers. And, it looked to me like quite a few customers could be seen in the parking lot with new games under their arms.

It’s funny how the concept of pre-dawn sales has become so much of a magnet in our society. I guess the lure of a 50 inch plasma television, or a 2 karat diamond—or the latest computer game release has appeal to a certain group of consumers. In this economy, value shopping has become king.

In the cruise and vacation business we often find kind of the counter-culture consumer who is more interested in getting away from shopping madness and finding the perfect getaway. All of us need a little recharging from time to time and these folks relish the thought of a sanity break on a fabulous cruise ship or a wonderful beach resort. And, some like to combine shopping with their break, and they have lots of choices to accomplish their mission either onboard or in markets in places far from their local mall.

It’s great to have the Christmas season officially underway—everyone seems to have more twinkles in their attitude, and we like that.

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